Our teachers teach us to be proud of our country by telling us how great our country is.We used to believe that.We are in a country which used to respect women (NOTE: in olden days).Today a person in our society just thinks about him.What matters him the most is himself and his family.Well,that's not wrong.It'll be better if all the men in this country behave in the same manner.It would be better if they concentrate only on their lives.It doesn't matter if they don't serve the society. Things would not be this much complicated.But why do some men concentrate only on other girls?Why do they like to interfere and spoil their life?It was shocking when I came to know how the poor girls are treated when something goes wrong in their lives.Even if mistake is not on their part they have to pay for it.Is this right?People these days are educated.Can't they just question their conscience whether this is correct or not?Why should we girls live in a state of fear and confusion?There are many questions in a girl's heart which have no answers and don't know whether she will get an answer in future.Still after all these things,if our elders teach us to be proud of our country then Yes,I am proud of my country.But people have to remember that they are teaching a lie to their kids.