Friday, April 22, 2016

11 p.m. thoughts...

I sit beside the window with a book in my hand and as I turn the pages I open the book of my memories. I have many! Good and bad, sweet and sour, all those which made me what I'm today, both inside out. I realize that those memories helped me turn over a new leaf and write a new chapter in 'the fairytale',the book of my life.
As the pages increase and I go through them, I understand that I lived my 17 years of life under never-ending attention and incessant care accompanied with love in all forms from the people around me. I was like a baby cradled in the arms of a mother, protected from the real world. What more could I ask for? But then, a tinge of sadness hit me for I never lived the way I wanted to. I was used to see myself through the eyes of others and convinced myself that this is the real me. At the eleventh hour, I decide to explore things rather than sit and feel like a fifth wheel. Now, I start an entirely new journey which may hopefully lead me to solace. Certainly, it's better late than never. With this thought, I shut the book of my memories for now only to realize that I've spent here the entire day and finally go to sleep.
P.S. This is what happens when I sleep all day and eventually couldn't fall asleep at night!

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